
Revised 21st of April 2007

Explanation of Genetic Symbols used for the genus Agapornis

Article by: Inte Onsman, Research coordinator
Research & Advice Group

a short for avian autosomal albinism

bl short for blue

D short for Dark factor

Ed short for Edged

ed short for edged dilution

dil short for dilute

Pi short for Pied

s short for (recessive) spotting

f short for fallow

bz short for bronze fallow

pf short for pale fallow

V short for Violet

lo short for long feathering

Mt short for Misty

mo short for mottle

or short for orange

Ph short for Pale headed

Slt short for Slaty

su short for suffused

cin short for cinnamon

op short for opaline

ino derivative from albino

Allele symbols:

tq allele - short for turquoise

aq allele - short for aqua

pa allele - short for pastel

dec allele - short for dark eyed clear

pd allele - short for pallid

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