Last updated 12
of March 2015
Renaming Colour Morphs in Psittacine Birds
Revised Names for Indian Ringnecks
Help in Identifying Colour Morphs in Psittacine Birds
Indian Ringneck Genetics
Why the "yellow headed cinnamon" is not a cinnamon and renaming the "lacewing"
Current Research Projects
Evidence for allelism of the
-locus in Psittacine Species.
Arrangement of two Sex-linked Characters in Canaries Compared to their Equivalents in Psittacine Species.
The Cinnamon Dilemma in Agapornis roseicollis
Mapping the Z-chromosome in Agapornis roseicollis (research project)
Genetic Symbols for Agapornis roseicollis
Genetic Symbols for Eye Ringed Lovebirds
Genetic Symbols for Indian Ringnecks
Explanation of used Symbols
List of Gene Symbols for Cockatiels
Explanation of Genetic Symbols used for Cockatiels
Personal site of Dirk van den Abeele - Ornitho-Genetics VZW
Homepage of the BVA
Genetics Psittacine Refs
Other interesting links
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