
29th of December 2003

Standard Genetic Nomenclature for Budgerigars

By: Inte Onsman, Research coordinator
Research & Advice Group

Good terminology is the key to clear and easy communication. This should also be evident in our hobby, where we plead for better use of an extensive vocabulary of words and symbols. Because of the misuse of previously assigned locus (gene) symbols, the following is based on various guidelines for poultry as well as other species. This nomenclature is used by MUTAVI and could also be used by interested Budgerigar breeders.

a.) The name of the genetic trait is written with a lower-case initial letter (e.g., dominant pied, crest), except at the beginning of a sentence or other place in which capitals would normally be used.

b.) The locus symbol commences with the initial letter of the name of the mutation, whenever possible, and is mostly an abbreviation of the gene name. This locus symbol consist of the minimum number of letters and numbers necessary to insure distinction from similar symbols, e.g., sl for slate, op for opaline.

c.) The locus symbol is written in lowercase letters with a capital initial letter when dominant and a lowercase initial letter when recessive, e.g., G for (Australian) dominant grey, pf for (Scottish) plum eyed fallow. Allele symbols are never used to designate dominance or recessiveness.

d.) Symbols for alleles could be capital letters, lowercase letters, or Arabic numerals. The allele symbol is used as a superscript to the locus symbol and, a superscript "+" following the locus symbol indicates the "wild-type". In the Budgerigar the wild-type is considered to be the light green.

e.) Genotypes are written in italics. A slash between alleles is done to facilitates the reading of genotypes, e.g., rf +/ rf, g +/ g.

A new revised and more definite list of the loci of the Budgerigar is presented and is meant for use by MUTAVI and interested fanciers. Gene symbols have been assigned to loci that did not previously have symbols, and some gene symbols have been changed because they did not conform to conventional symbolism.
We want to make perfectly clear that we don't expect fanciers to make use of our list, although we hope adventually they will. In all articles published by MUTAVI, the author(s) will refer to these symbols as proposed in this list.

Consulted and cited Literature:
[1] Committee on Standerized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice Guidelines for
    Nomenclature of Genetically Determined Biochemical Variants in the
    House Mouse, Mus musculus
    Biochemical Genetics Vol.9 no.4 (1973); p.p.369-374

[2] Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice A Revision of
    the Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice
    Journal of Heredity Vol.54 (1963); p.p.159-162

[3] Green M.C.
    The Laboratory Mouse, Mus musculus
    Handbook of Genetics Vol.4 (New York) 1975; p.p.203-241

[4] Onsman I.
    Rules for a Standard Genetic Nomenclature for Budgerigars
    The Budgerigar Journal no.6 (1992); p.p.19-21

[5] Taylor T.G., Warner C.
    Genetics for Budgerigar Breeders
    Publ. The Budgerigar Society (1986)

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